Interactive Audio Instruction Kindergarten Program
USAID’s Decentralized Basic Education Program (DBE 2) seeks to improve thequality of teaching and learning in Indonesia’s primary schools through a series ofinnovative approaches designed to strengthen teacher training and improve the school learning environment. Led by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) and partners the Academy for Educational Development (AED) and theResearch Triangle Institute (RTI), DBE 2 works with USAID/Indonesia, the Ministriesof National Education and Religious Affairs, and other public and privatesector partners to develop an alternative and modern teacher professional development system, strengthening the capacity of educators and administratorsto initiate, facilitate and promote school improvement across the archipelago.
DBE 2 is implementing several strategies to improve Indonesia’s primary education system, including: decentralized, university accredited teacher training; instructional leadership and management; interactive audio instruction (IAI) for kindergarten teachers and students; school cluster resource centers; partnerships with Indonesian and US universities; information and communication technologies as teaching and learning tools; and alliances with the private sector to expand project impact.
TK_english.pdf [download]
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